HISINC, L.L.C. has been performing FEMA Flood Insurance Studies, Letter of Map Change (CLOMR/LOMR/LOMA) Applications, Floodplain Mapping, Hydrologic Watershed Studies for Stormwater Runoff, Hydraulic Design of Stormwater Detention Facilities, Outlet Structures, Channelization Projects, and Backwater modeling for local engineering firms, private developers, and municipalities. HISINC, L.L.C has provided Floodplain Management analyses for the Arkansas River and tributary creeks and streams within State of Oklahoma since 1978. Since HISINC, L.L.C. was created in 2000, the majority of the consulting work performed to date relates to hydrology and hydraulics and floodplain mapping of specific projects for its clients. W. B. Smith, P.E., CFM was the Hydraulic Design Engineer for recreational low water dams in Tulsa County on Arkansas River including the original Zink Dam and as part of Vision 2025 for Riverfront Development of additional low water dam projects in Sand Springs, Jenks and Bixby, Oklahoma. HISINC, L.L.C. extensively uses the HEC HMS and HEC RAS computer modeling programs in most of the projects that are performed on a daily basis. Mr. Smith is a Certified Floodplain Manager and has recently been appointed as the Floodplain Administrator for the Town of Kiefer, Oklahoma.
Examples of hydrology, marine, and stormwater projects in which Mr. Smith was Principal-in-Charge, Project Manager, or Hydrologist include:
- Mingo Creek Feasibility Study, Tulsa, Oklahoma ( 1975-1977), Hydrologist
- FEMA FIS Studies, 23 communities in Northeastern Oklahoma (1977-1980), - Project Engineer responsible for reconnaissance of historical flooding, watershed hydrology, utilization of HEC 2 backwater computer analysis program, preparation of technical reports and work maps.
- City of Yukon, Oklahoma, Federal Emergency Management Agency - Principal/Project Manager for update of FIS for three (3) tributaries to the North Canadian River, and Main Stem of Turtle Creek, West Branch of Turtle Creek, East Branch of Turtle Creek, and Middle Stem Turtle Creek with Holly Branch, all within the City of Yukon.
- Creek County, Oklahoma, Federal Emergency Management Agency - Principal/Project Manager for update of FIS for Polecat Creek, Rock Creek, and Nickel Creek within the Creek County jurisdiction.
- North Canadian River Bypass - Senior Hydraulic Consultant on the backwater analysis of the North Canadian River for a new bridge for the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. This was an alluvium bottom evaluation to determine upstream flooding effects with the placement of embankment and bridge piers in and adjacent to the North Canadian River.
- Joe Creek And Little Joe Creek Master Drainage Plan, City of Tulsa, Oklahoma - Principal/Project Manager for master drainage plans for both Joe Creek and Little Joe Creek Basin Studies. Master drainage planning included evaluation of
existing hydrologic and hydraulic conditions, development of flooding solutions, estimates of project costs, economic evaluations (B/C analysis) and report preparation. Principal/Project Manager for the design and construction management of a stormwater bypass system at Treehouse Condominiums, which was identified as a priority project in the Master Drainage Plan.
- Tulsa County Exposition Center, Hydrologist, Updated Hydrology Study and Stormwater Detention Analysis and Design for Exposition Center Expansion for Matrix Architects. (2001-2002)
- Tyann Development, Owasso, Oklahoma, Hydrology Study, Revised Stormwater Detention Design, CLOMR Application for FEMA (2002), Hydrologist
 Photo by Matt Carver